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Out in National Security (ONS) CEO Luke Schleusener issued the below statement after the Trump Administration released a new executive order banning transgender individuals from serving in the military. "This executive order—banning thousands of qualified transgender service members—will make America less safe, plain and simple.   Transgender service members currently fulfill vital roles across the U.S. military. At a time of unprecedented threats around the world and recruitment challenges here at home, discharging these service members will erode our military deterrence and cost American taxpayers by creating

Today, President Biden pardoned thousands of former U.S. service members convicted for engaging in consensual sexual activity under the now-repealed UCMJ Article 125. "Righting a historic wrong on this scale is one culmination of decades of advocacy, stretching from Frank Kameny and Mattachine to ONS and many of our close partners today,” said ONS CEO Luke Schleusener. “It’s proof that fighting for what’s right is always worth it." The move is a testament to the ability of the LGBTQIA+ community to effectively advocate the U.S. government

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